• Where to Live Between Selling and Buying a House in Detroit

    Are you caught in the tricky situation of selling your current house before buying a new one? Finding a place to live in Detroit, Michigan during this transition can be a daunting task. We’re here to help you navigate this challenging period. Below are some options for where to live when you are selling your…

  • Should I Sell My House Before or After Divorce?

    Divorce can be a complicated and emotional process, and selling your home during this time can add to the stress. Deciding whether to sell your house before or after your divorce is final can be a difficult decision, but it is an important one to make. Below, explore the pros and cons of selling your…

  • Can I Sell a House With Code Violations in Detroit?

    Distressed properties with code violations can present unique challenges for home sellers in Michigan. These properties often require significant repairs and may be subject to fines or penalties for non-compliance with local building codes. Below, we explore the steps you can take to navigate the sale of a distressed property with code violations to maximize…